Subscription-based broadcast system is Live

The current broadcast system necessitates receiving a large number of broadcast emails every day in our inbox. Many in the IISc community feel that several broadcast emails are irrelevant to them. Due to the large number of broadcast messages delivered every day, important messages get overlooked at times.

DIGITS has developed a subscription-based intranet broadcast system to mitigate this issue.

In this system, broadcast items are classified into different categories. Anyone wishing to receive broadcast emails of a certain category in his / her inbox needs to subscribe to that category. Broadcast mails in categories that are not subscribed to can be viewed on the portal in the intranet.

The functionalities of the system are below:

1.       Open the system by typing in URL bar.

2.       Provide your Active Directory credentials ( and password)

3.       Click on Broadcast Link

4.       Subscribe or Unsubscribe the required category and department.

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