Message from Chair

DIGITS in short for Digital Campus and IT Services has been in operation and providing IT services to the campus for the last 6 years plus. DIGITS is committed to enhancing the Quality of Service across Networking, Email/O365, MS Azure Cloud, SAP, and websites & Portals. The main focus for the team at DIGITS is to ensure optimized cost, highest uptime without compromising on security.

DIGITS has been working with many departments on an ongoing basis to improve the digital footprint thus improving processes, enhance security and reduced paper trail. Successful implementation of Adobe Sign across the campus is one of the many examples in that regard.

The team at DIGITS comprises of many experienced IT professionals, engineers, software developers, office and support staff. DIGITS also has a flexible and scalable model adopted to meet the varying needs at the Institute. I am proud to be associated with DIGITS and looking forward for taking the campus DIGITAL outlook to the next level.

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